Classes & Workshops
Our classes and workshops are designed to be practical, effective, and affordable. Participate in an individual class or a combination of courses to experience a rewarding relationship with your dog. You are the key and our passion is to provide the tools and understanding to unlock the potential of a great human/canine relationship.
Classes and workshops are offered in different formats and at various locations. We regularly offer classes and workshops at our facility in Chetek, WI. For those who are unable to attend in person, or prefer a self paced structure, we also offer online courses. In addition, Jana is occasionally available to travel if you wish to host a class or workshop at your location.
Monday Night Meet Ups: Clients have been loving the flexibility this class offers. Can’t commit to a class once a week? Never know what your schedule will be doing? Monday Night Meet Ups are a drop in class that offer clients the flexibility to come when they can, but not worry about it when they can’t. Pop in periodically or come on a regular basis-we know how life goes and we just appreciate that you can take any time away to work with your dog. What is covered in this class varies each week depending on what the participant’s goals are. At the foundation we are always building on our relationship with our dogs, loose leash skills, manners and greetings, spatial pressure, recall, our dog’s engagement and being relevant to our dogs. Some clients feel it is best to participate in the Life Skills Class before attending the Monday Night Meet Ups to establish a foundation. Others have met with Jana, done private lessons or workshops and then jumped right into Monday Night Meet Ups. These sessions are also 1 ½ hours long and are a combination of hands on work with your dog as well as a discussion component. Cost: $20
Life Skills: The class is a good foundation if you are new to our services, are just starting out with a new puppy or dog, or want to develop a better relationship with a dog you have had for years. In this four week, six hour course, each session is a 1 ½ hour combination of hands on work with your dog as well as discussion. Of course hands on work with your dog is beneficial, especially when you are providing your dog with social exposure and an opportunity to work through the distractions of being in a group environment. We also feel that the discussion component of class is beneficial to help build a better understanding of the material worked on and how to apply it to your daily life so your dog is not only successful in class, but when you leave to head home and out into the rest of the world. We also take this time to further discuss concepts in our dog’s behavior, our relationship, and how our interactions with our dogs impact the future. In this class, we will be working on relationship building, helping our dogs reach a calm state of mind, loose leash skills, manners and greetings and spatial pressure-using our body language to communicate with our dogs and influence space that we share. Cost: $90
People Training & Co-Existence Class: This class aims to create a better understanding and awareness of dog behavior; the state of your relationship with your dog; and how to evaluate and adjust your daily interactions with your dog . This class focuses on training the human to help the dog at the end of the leash. Cost: $90 Note: This class is available online.
Basic Obedience: Prerequisite - Life Skills and/or People Training & Co-Existence class. This class focuses on the basics such as sit, down, loose leash walking, house manners (such as place bed,) and guest etiquette. Cost: $90
Workshops consist of one or two part sessions. These group setting expose you and your dog to a variety of topics and situations. This option is a great choice for those who prefer an in-person experience, but are unable to attend a weekly class schedule.
Address concerns, questions, learn new things, and build on what you and your dog already know
No two workshops are identical—attend one or several
EXCELLENT alternative for those with limited scheduling options
Pre-registration required for all classes!
Class will be held in Chetek. Registration required
Call Jana at (715) 642-1506 or email us for more information.
Dates & class locations posted on our Facebook Page